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Women Holding Hands

If your physical health is impacting your mental health ...

It's time to RISE.

Is RISE for you?

RISE could be for you if:

  • You have been through a stressful medical experience, and you find yourself feeling lonely, angry, and scared.

  • You are craving connection with others, but you do not want to risk exposure to illness and you DEFINITELY don't want to get into a "who had it worse" conversation.

  • You have been curious about group support, but you really don't think you have the spoons for a lot of people, a lot of homework, or a long-term program.

  • You have heard mindfulness could help you with your medical condition, but you haven't tried it ... or you have, but you're not sure you were "doing it right."


So, what is RISE?

RISE stands for Reclaiming Interdependence, Safety, and Empowerment.


This eight week, small group program (typically 4 - 6 individuals) is both trauma-informed, and mindfulness-based. The program uses techniques from existing evidence-based therapies in order to begin the process for healing, for those who have experienced difficult or traumatic medical events.


In this program, you will learn:

  • What medical trauma is, and how it impacts people,

  • What trauma-informed meditation is, and how to create a trauma-informed mindfulness practice plan,

  • How to change your relationship with fear and anger.


This program is not for you if:

  • You primarily need a space to share details about what happened,

  • You desire a long-term, process-oriented group,

  • You currently have a strong mindfulness practice.


A special note about that first point: In RISE, we will focus on the impact of the event - not the event itself. In other words, we will not discuss what has happened for you medically, as this could be triggering for another person in the room. We can certainly discuss why you think this event happened, and how it has shaped your life. Creating this boundary helps to maintain a safe space for everyone who attends the program.


Some people need to discuss what has happened in order to heal. If this is the case for you, you can still attend RISE; however, please plan to share details about the event within individual therapy.

A woman looks at flowers. RISE is small group therapy that will help you bloom.

Avoiding your fear and anger is not the same thing as healing.


This is an opportunity to better understand how your medical experiences have shaped your beliefs about safety, power, and control so that you can be with difficult emotions, rather than ignoring them, squashing them, or hoping they will go away. You will walk away from this experience with more knowledge about your strengths, and what comforts and soothes you. And, you will have the chance to connect with others from a space of safety and care.


What to Expect:

Week 1: Introductions and Definitions (October 21)

  • Learn about medical stress, medical trauma, & triggers

  • Learn about trauma-informed mindfulness

Week 2: Impact of the Event - Safety (October 28)

  • Learn about avoidance coping

  • Understand the impact of the event on safety beliefs

Week 3: Creating Safe Spaces (November 4)

  • Create a Safety Statement

  • Create a trauma-informed mindfulness practice plan

Week 4: Changing Your Relationship with Fear (November 11)

  • Learn about fear and mindful coping

  • Create a Safety & Coping Plan for Medical Stressors

Week 5: Impact of the Event - Power & Control (November 18)

  • Learn about systemic trauma & grief

  • Understand the impact of the event on power & control beliefs

Week 6: Identify Your Strengths (December 2)

  • Learn about equanimity & beginner's mind

  • Complete a Strengths Assessment

Week 7: Change Your Relationship with Anger (December 9)

  • Learn about anger and mindful coping

  • Create a Communication Plan for Medical Needs

Week 8: Closing (December 16)

  • Take time to review skills and progress

  • Learn about resources for ongoing support and connection


Other FAQs:

Who Facilitates RISE?

This program is led by Dr. Christen Mullane, clinical psychologist and certified meditation teacher. Dr. Mullane has worked in medical settings her entire career. Please see the About Page for more information about her background and qualifications. 


Where is RISE held?

RISE is held virtually via Zoom's HIPAA-compliant, healthcare version. At the time of sessions, you'll simply click the link to join.


How much does RISE cost?

The program cost is $1000 for eight, 60 minute sessions. Please consult with Dr. Mullane if a payment plan is needed. Current clients of GLHS can attend for half-price.


When is payment due?

Payment in full is due 24 hours prior to the start of the program. Please consult with Dr. Mullane if a payment plan is needed.


Can I use insurance for RISE?

You may be able to use insurance. There are a few steps involved if you plan to pursue this option. Dr. Mullane is not in network with any insurances. However, she will provide a Superbill which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Ginkgo Leaf Health Services is a direct pay practice, meaning that there is no guarantee that your insurance will reimburse for sessions.


Do I have to submit Superbills to my insurance?

No. You can choose whether or not to inform your insurance regarding your care.* 

*Why this matters: In order for your insurance to reimburse for therapy sessions, therapists are required to provide the insurance company information regarding your sessions. For RISE, this would include a diagnostic and group therapy code, as well as information about the dates of service and associated charges. If you don’t want your insurance company to have access to any information about your treatment, you can keep your care out-of-network and private.


What happens if I miss a session?

If you miss a session, you will be provided the materials from that session electronically. You will not be reimbursed for missed sessions.


When is RISE happening?

The next cohort starts in October, 2024. Sessions are held on Monday evenings at 6pm EST. See the dates above. 


Who is a good candidate for RISE?

Participation is first come, first serve.


If you have been through a stressful or traumatic medical event, you agree to avoid "who had it worse" conversation, and you are open to learning new skills, you are likely a good candidate! Dr. Mullane will meet with you for a brief, free consultation prior to the group to answer your questions and ensure fit.


And finally ...How do I sign up?

Ready to participate?

Wonderful! Please set up a free, 15 - 20 minute individual consultation with Dr. Mullane by pressing the button below!


Additional Info & Next Steps

If you are currently in therapy, it is recommended that you continue to see your individual therapist while participating in RISE. Dr. Mullane will communicate with your therapist after you have signed a Release of Information Form, to coordinate care.  Then, you will get reminder emails each week we meet, that include the Zoom link for you to join.


Get ready to RISE!

Christen Mullane smiles. Christen will lead you in RISE small group therapy.

I look forward to meeting you!

Not quite sure yet? You can still set up a free consultation with Dr. Mullane to learn more and get your questions answered. All questions are welcome! The main priority is that you feel down in your bones that this is a positive, healthy step, for you.


In the meantime, you can subscribe to our email list for access to information about coping strategies that may help.


At this time, please also join our email list if you are interested in hearing about future offerings for individuals who identify as nonbinary or gender non-conforming, male, or trans.

Let’s Keep In Touch

Interested in receiving updates regarding the RISE program?

Whether you're ready to join now or just thinking about it, please subscribe to our email list.

Joining gains you access to weekly emails about coping skills and resources, too!


Full disclosure: Subscribing allows you to keep in touch so that you can continue to hear about Ginkgo Leaf offerings, ways to cope and heal, and useful podcasts, books, programs, and other resources that could be of benefit to you if you have experienced medical stress or trauma.


You can unsubscribe any time.

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