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Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

An evidence based treatment designed to be completed in 8 - 10 sessions. Includes a full psychological assessment and recommendations, as well as follow up sessions designed to help you better understand the mind-body connection, how mindfulness works, and how to build a trauma-informed mindfulness practice.

Jayson's Story

"Being Black and disabled was filling me up with rage. I heard the words doubly marginalized, I thought about how this country only valued Black people for what their bodies could do, and I looked at myself and thought how doubly worthless I was. And I was mad. I had no control over what body I got put in, and I didn't think it was fair the one I got, and I hated my body for a long time.


I'm not gonna say MBSR changed all of that, but it helped me get beyond that story some. It took me more than eight sessions to get to where I am now, but after those first eight I could be in my body without hating it so much. I could feel the sun on my face, and smell the food cooking at the Indian restaurant down the street. It helped me, to notice those things."

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