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CBT - Chronic Pain

An evidence-based treatment designed to be completed in 12 - 14 sessions. Includes a full psychological assessment, specific pain assessment and recommendations, and follow up sessions. Learn specific skills to challenge thoughts that worsen your pain experience, behavioral pain management strategies, and mindfulness/relaxation techniques to reduce pain and body tension.

Ang's Story

"You would never know it by looking at me, but I was a college athlete. I loved soccer. I am first gen, and playing sports helped me to connect with others growing up. I also had a tendency to work out my emotions on the field, and I liked being seen as a tough player. When I tore my ACL, my hopes for a pro career disappeared, and I felt lost. I didn't feel like a man; I didn't recognize myself. I started drinking and isolating myself from people in my life. 


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helped me see that my behavior was making me more depressed, and making my pain worse. It also gave me space to acknowledge that more than my body was hurt on the field that day."

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