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Empowering You on Your Healthcare Journey

A person holds a ginkgo leaf in front of their body. Gingko Leaf Health offers online therapy services.

You just want to get back to normal.

You did not ask for this. You were independent, high achieving, organized.

Then you got the medical diagnosis, and everything changed.

Fear goes by many names: 

Heart attack. Stroke. Cancer. Long Covid.

You don't want to face it alone.

Injustice comes in many forms:

You feel broken, and you're pissed about it.

You did nothing to deserve this.

You can't move on. You can't let go.  Part of you doesn't even want to.

People tell you, just do self-care. It doesn't fix it.

Deep grief isn't easy grief.

Healing from trauma is not simple healing.

There is no shortcut through what you are facing.

If your physical health is impacting your mental health: Welcome.

This is your space to heal.



Welcome to Ginkgo Leaf.

Our coaches and clinicians use mindfulness techniques and evidence-based therapies to help medically traumatized adults

reclaim safety, trust, and joy.

Moving through medical stress is hard.

Individualized, trauma-informed support can help. 

Click below for more information!

ginkgo leaf health services
cancer support
support with aging and elder care
supporting equity for physical limitations and disability
ginkgo leaf health services
psychotherapy where you need it
online psychotherapy for individuals with health problems and their caregivers
individual online therapy and mental health treatment


Compassionate Support for Trauma Recovery

You have been muscling through for a while now. After all, you know our healthcare system is imperfect. You know that dealing with medical problems is challenging. You understand all of this, and on some level you accept it.

You didn't think it would be quite like this, though.  You didn't expect to be hit so hard, at this point in your life. You didn't know how helpless you would feel. How deep you would have to dig, to get through each day.

And so, here you are. Trolling for therapists online. Trying to fight the part of yourself that says, "Why even try? This is hopeless." Trying to hang on to the idea that it can be okay to lean, just a little bit. You don't want to burden anyone, but you really need

a chance

to breathe.

Gingko Leaf Health offers online therapy services.


Personalize your care

We offer virtual counseling sessions that are unique to your values, goals, and needs. Whether you are navigating physical health and mobility issues, struggling to manage mood and chronic illness, or caregiving for someone who cannot leave their home, we can meet you where you are and travel with you where you go.

Our clinicians and coaches will work with you to build resilience, awareness, and concrete skills to help you manage your unique medical situation.


Life-changing medical events

Medical trauma can stem from serious injury or illness, medical procedures, or medical emergencies.

Medical trauma is unique. In other life-threatening traumatic situations, the event ends, and it is possible to escape or avoid reminders of the traumatic experience.

Medical trauma happens to or within the body. As much as we might try, it is ultimately not possible to escape or avoid our bodies. We carry the reminders of medical trauma with and within us.

For support in coping with medical stress and trauma, consider signing up for weekly free emails from Ginkgo Leaf.

If you are a clinician in need of information and resources to assist you in working with medical stress and trauma, please subscribe to our newsletter.

A black man and woman. Ginkgo Leaf Health offers online thearpy services to all.


A golden gingko leaf. Gingko Leaf Health offers online therapy services.

Professionalism and Transparency

Your trust matters. Your care will be kept private and confidential. Please click here to see our therapy privacy practices.

Individual 50-minute counseling sessions are $200. Part of fit is ensuring that our services fit your budget. Ginkgo Leaf is a direct pay practice, meaning we are not in network with any health insurance. However, some insurance plans offer out of network benefits that cover all or part of your counseling fee. If you have a high deductible insurance plan, you may consider using a Health Savings Account (HSA) to cover sessions. In order to obtain an estimate of what your insurance may cover, please click the button below. 


To support you in working with your insurance, Ginkgo Leaf clinicians can provide a Superbill or courtesy billing services to you at no charge. Superbills are typically generated monthly, and you can use them to file claims with your insurance plan for your sessions by clicking below.





Although this is not guaranteed, these tools may help you to be reimbursed by your insurance for counseling sessions. In addition, you have the right to a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) for services rendered. Please click here for more information.

In addition to counseling services, we offer meditation coaching sessions for those who are hoping to build their practice. The rate for a 60 - minute meditation coaching session is $100 (briefer sessions are prorated), Please note that, while counseling may be reimbursed by your insurance, coaching services are not. 


Land Acknowledgement

Honoring the Cherokee

Place is an integral part of our identities. Where we are raised carries weight. Being displaced from that land is a loss, and often a traumatic one.

A land acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes indigenous peoples and cultures as stewards of the land on which we and our institutions now reside. As a trauma-informed practice, Ginkgo Leaf also recognizes the intergenerational impact of trauma suffered by native people over the course of more than a century of colonization - during which many natives experienced the loss of their lands, family separation, multigenerational efforts to reduce or eradicate traditional religious practices through evangelization, and general cultural marginalization (Fisher, L.D, 2018).


While Ginkgo Leaf is a virtual practice, its home is in Asheville, NC. Here, we honor the Anikituwagi, more commonly known as the Cherokee. The three federally recognized Cherokee tribes are the Eastern Band of Cherokee IndiansUnited Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians and the Cherokee Nation.

These sites offer more information on land acknowledgments and native lands:


The Therapist is In

Our hours are flexible; please do not hesitate to reach out to discuss your needs.


Please reach out! Note that email communications are not secure. Please do not share information you'd prefer to keep private.

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